
Sunday, 14 June 2020 09:02

Cats or birds?

What should we do if we love cats but also worry about the blackbirds and sparrows living in our garden?

Monday, 01 June 2020 08:14

Do what you were born for

Sometimes you have to make a choice in your life about what to do for a living.

Sunday, 24 May 2020 11:55

A therapy dog?

My 6 year-old dog was literally still frightened of the wind a few weeks after adoption, but I firmly insisted on my fantastic idea that he was perfectly competent for becoming a therapy dog.

This lovely poem, in which a French poet born in the 19th century wrote about the love he felt toward the donkeys, has just been suggested to me. 

Everybody wants to please somebody. It seems to be our basic instinct to make us accepted by others, since we have always done the same throughout evolution and history.

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